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YEAR / 2024-ongoing

CLIENT / Private

TIPOLOGY / Residential

LOCATION / Valpolicella / VR / Italia

SIZE / 423 sqm

PROJECT PARTNER / Ing. Mattia Guardini

WORKSTAGE / Concept, Preliminary design

The design concept of Villa Stealth stems from the very conformation of the lot, which is irregularly shaped and sloping, which offers the cue to imagine a dwelling capable of taking advantage of the unevenness of the terrain, going into the terrain and resting on the course of the contour lines.
The result is a dwelling strongly integrated into the landscape, partially hypogeal, covered by the ground, opening toward the valley with an avowedly contemporary line.
As the site is located in a scenically relevant content, the hypogeal solution allows to minimize the impact of the construction on the lot: in fact, from the square located at a higher elevation, the building almost disappears from view, finding itself the roof-garden at the same elevation as the road. Therefore, no volume emerging from the ground, but only continuity of green surface. In addition, this solution makes it possible to minimize the energy impact, as the rooftop green helps to cool the rooms and mitigate the overheating of the interior spaces.
The building is only noticeable from below, entering Via  Pio XI from Via Casal, where the large glazed openings are framed by a continuous overhanging eave characterized by a broken course, and which becomes the contemporary “sign” of the intervention. The architectural elements involved enhance the horizontal dimension of the building, which develops in length and on a single floor.
Because of its disappearing characteristic, but also because of its angular plan configuration, the dwelling was been christened “Stealth.”
The greenery plays a central role: a path is recreated in the lot reminiscent of a “walk in the woods,” among the
tree species that are typical of the area and help to further conceal the dwelling.
The free interior pillars are designed with edges and facets that are meant to recall the environments of quarries or caves, and contribute to the contemporary feel of a house carved out of rock.

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