YEAR / 2019-2024
CLIENT / Comune di Velo Veronese
TIPOLOGY / Public / School
LOCATION / Velo Veronese / VR / Italia
SIZE / 30 sqm x 4 floors
WORKSTAGE / Concept, Preliminary, Definitive, Executive design
PROJECT PARTNER / Ing. Mattia Guardini
We have been selected by the Municipality of Velo Veronese to design the new emergency stair for the primary school “Itala Fracasso”. The first proposal aims not only to connect several levels at different heights, but mainly to become an integrated part of the existing building and a new landmark for the territory, with the roof outstretched to the valley.
The structure is made of thin parallel and perpendicular concrete walls, separated from each other to create voids and to confer lightness to the whole structure.